A wider ball of foot pad (aka metatarsal pad or metatarsal cookie) to helpalleviate pressure across the entire ball of the foot. Also great for helping to prevent the foot from slidng forward in shoes. Self-adhesive backing allowsthe pad to stay securely in place. The Skived metatarsal pads areapproximately 2.25 inches at their widest and 2.75 inches in length. SkivedMetatarsal pads are used for a variety of foot problems like pain in the ballof the fee, neuromas, calluses, IPks, Painful scars, and lack of a plantar fatpad. Skived Metatarsal pads splay and offload the metatarsal heads. Thisreduces the pressure across the ball of the foot and in the nerves between themetatarsal heads. The skived metatarsal pad has little less bulk making alittle better tolerated while the non-skived cut offers a little more effect.Proper placement of the pad is critical to achieve the therapeutic relief fromany of the above conditions. Skived metatarsal pads can be placed in theinsole, under the insole or directly on the foot.
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